In connection with art. 6a-6d and 111b of 29.08.1997 – Banking law (uniform text, Journal of Laws of 2002, no. 72, item 665), BackOffice Outsourcing contractually undertakes to allow Banks and other financial institutions, statutory auditors of Banks and the Financial Supervision Authority (“FSA”) to exercise effective supervision over the exercise of activities which are the subject of contracts, during the term of contracts, in particular to:

– sharing the following documents and information with Banks and other financial institutions, statutory auditor of the Bank or other financial institutions, or the FSA:

  • current documents setting out the legal status of BackOffice Outsourcing, including excerpts from the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, licenses, permissions, or other administrative decisions related to the legal status of BackOffice Outsourcing or with the subject of contracts,
  • financial statements of BackOffice Outsourcing for the term of contracts and the period immediately before the conclusion of individual contracts, along with a report and auditor’s opinion, if the financial statement shall be subject to such analysis or has been analysed voluntarily,
  • action plans to ensure continuous and uninterrupted operations in the field covered by contracts, as well as report with the results of periodic tests,
  • documents and information concerning security policies, procedures and control mechanisms used by BackOffice Outsourcing, as well as the results of external or internal audits of the company’s activities when it comes to the execution of contracts,
  • documentation and information concerning the execution of contracts,


– allowing Banks or other financial institutions, statutory auditor of the Bank or other financial institution, or the FSA to control:

  • facilities where contracts are executed and equipment used to execute contracts (the so-called at site inspection).
  • security of information processing in terms of contracts,


– immediately inform the Bank or other financial institutions about any circumstances or potential circumstances that can negatively impact the execution of contracts by BackOffice Outsourcing or its subcontractors.