FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

If you are thinking of outsourcing the printing, processing and sending of invoices, summons, statements, or other letters, you probably have a few questions about how it works. Below we have answered the most common questions we receive from new clients, from how we do business to the exact types of services we offer. 

We try to help our clients in every possible way: We want to give a positive answer to most of your questions. Please let us know if we can add other frequently asked questions.

It is simple: we print, process and send documents for companies and organizations. Most of our clients use our services to print, process and send post, which includes:

  • Statements and invoices,
  • Personalised letters,
  • Mail merge,
  • Requests for payment,
  • Utility bills,
  • Bulletins, inserts and leaflets,
  • Calendars,
  • Gifts,
  • Tickets,
  • Car service documents,


The absolute best way to find out if we can assist you with your printing, processing and shipping tasks is to contact us and send us an inquiry.

Even today, but it is entirely up to you. When you contact us, discuss the prices and decide to try, we will ask you to submit the actual file for testing – this process is of course free of charge and without obligation. Once your sample is approved, it is up to you to allow printing, processing, and sending to begin. You set the pace yourself.

All files or ready-made letters we receive have a guaranteed delivery time of 24 hours. Files received by 8:00 am are printed, processed and sent the same business day. Letters received from clients are delivered to the post office on the same day no matter what time we receive the order.

Of course! We print, process and send not only digital documents, but also correspondence prepared by our clients. Such correspondence can be registered, listed; we can also create and keep records of registered letters sent by us and prepare the “yellow” receipt confirmations – whatever you wish – and deliver it safely to the post office. You can also provide us with correspondence prepared in such a way that we only have to deliver it to the post office and send it.

Yes, all our clients save time and money by outsourcing these services. This is because we specialise in what we do and have spent years perfecting this process from start to finish. The truth is, we have the knowledge, equipment, specialised personnel and inventory to senddocuments more efficiently than anyone else. By using the help of experts and specialists,

We have worked with dozens of companies over the years, and we can help anyone who needs to regularly send their clients and customers documents such as bills, invoices, statements, newsletters, notices, flyers, terms and conditions, etc.

More specifically, we have worked with the following types of companies and organizations:

  • Homeowners and housing communities,
  • Hospitals, clinics, laboratories, medical centres and surgeries,
  • Property management companies,
  • Rental agencies – real estate, equipment and consumer goods,
  • Utility providers (water, electricity, telephone, etc.),
  • Internet service providers,
  • Newspapers, radio stations and other media,
  • Banks, credit unions and loan companies,
  • Financial companies and investment firms.
  • Debt collection companies,
  • Technology companies,
  • Equipment stores,
  • Companies dealing with the maintenance of swimming pools and landscaping,
  • Dry cleaners,
  • Non-profit agencies,
  • Website developers,
  • Car manufacturers,
  • Car showrooms.

Although our headquarters are located in Warsaw, Poland, we provide services to clients all over Europe. Therefore, geography is neither a problem nor a limitation. As a postal operator, we guarantee that your post will reach its destination very quickly and as cheaply as possible.

Outsourcing abroad can, under certain circumstances, take away jobs or threaten the quality of products or services. However, you do not have to worry about any of these issues when outsourcing your correspondence to BackOffice Outsourcing as we specialise in printing, processing and sending post. We can actually get the job done faster, better and more accurately than most companies in-house, letting your employees focus on more profitable tasks.

Of course we can! The software and printers that we use to print, process and send all kinds of documents make it possible to create a more readable, clearer and more informative format.

No problem! The minimum volume that is most economical for both BackOffice Outsourcing and our clients is 100 letters per month. Experience and data show that below that quantitycooperation is beneficial for neither party. Our current clients send from 100 to 80,000 letters a month. This allows us to offer exceptional, personalised client service and very short response and lead times that larger outsourcing providers often cannot provide to smaller clients.

No problem! If you give us enough time to prepare, we can even help you test your new software. Some of our clients who change software find it helpful to handle statements and invoices on both old and new software to ensure a smooth transition. We are happy to help you with the change and make sure that sending is not affected by the updates – just let us know about the situation.

Of course we can! Just contact us before printing, processing and sending your invoices and statements. Give us the message you want to selectively include, and also specify in which messages you want to include it. If you want to be sure your “message” is in the right place and in the right letters, simply review the documents online before approving them for printing and processing.

Of course! We have developed methods of reducing and cutting unnecessary costs when sending mass correspondence.

We are able to prepare correspondence by finding the same addressees scattered in thousands of pages of files to be printed and pack all correspondence to the same business partner into one envelope.

Not necessarily, but it is possible. We have a simple two-page contract that sets out the responsibilities of both parties and renews annually unless the service is terminated. Unlike many other outsourcing providers, we do not require a formal contract. We often act on the basis of an order sent electronically. Our philosophy is that if we do not provide the client with excellent service, no written agreement can be binding on the parties.

Yes! We can insert your logo at the top of the document, as a background in the body of a form, or both. We believe your logo is a great marketing tool to help you identify you, build your brand and make your documents look great. 

If you want to add your logo to statements, invoices, or mailings, we will provide instructions and guidance, and assist with layout.

Certainly! All you need to do is send your content and we can prepare and print it – in black and white or in colour. We just need a little advance notice. We can also include promotional ads or anything else you want. If you want to supply the inlay yourself, just send it to us in time to include it in the relevant correspondence. 

In addition, if we are unable to print the design on our own, we can commission it to our partners, with which you will surely be satisfied.

You can send us files anytime, daily, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly – whenever you want. You can send us files 24 hours a day, seven days a week – our servers do not sleep!

We send the post after processing the files, and the sending is confirmed by the postal operator with the appropriate document, which we can deliver to you in the form you wish.

If you want to! We will post processed invoices, statements, summons or other letters on a server that only you have access to. You can see and review them at any time.

Of course! This is one of our specialties. You can order any number of envelopes for your correspondence. We will produce for you as many envelopes as you want. You don’t need to order large quantities that you will not be able to store.

No problem! We work with manufacturers and suppliers of envelopes all over Europe. At your request, we can provide any envelopes you want. This will make your correspondence look particularly professional and noticeable to the recipients. In our offer you will find envelopes you have never seen before. This can inspire you to commission us with unusual and spectacular mailings to your customers.

We are waiting for such challenges, this is no problem! The scope of the service is at the customer’s discretion. The documents to be sent may be transferred in the form of files uploaded to a safe server, traditionally on paper, or by email to dedicated addresses. BackOffice Outsourcing distributes the transferred correspondence to individual recipients, following the customer’s guidelines, sending it to the addressees by email or traditionally on paper in the most economical way, combining all correspondence to a single recipient in a single shipment.

Of course! If different locations are found in the area of Warsaw, the correspondence may be picked up by our courier. If there is no necessity of personal collection, or the locations are found outside Warsaw, you can use the Printing and Mailing Services, transferring it to our server for further processing.

BackOffice Outsourcing sends the settlement to an email address in the form of a service invoice, pursuant to the scope of services indicated by the customer in the contract or order.

Of course! Geography is neither a problem nor a limitation. Your seat can be on any continent. Our tariffs and postal charges are more favourable to customers who wish to send out correspondence worldwide from Poland than from the country in which they have a seat. If you send us your correspondence in the electronic form via safe servers, we will:

  • print it according to your instructions;
  • envelope it in previously prepared company envelopes;
  • apply the postage;
  • transfer it for shipment to the indicated addresses;
  • provide you with a confirmation of sending when the shipment is sent.


We guarantee that with this solution, you will pay much less than in your country.

This is perfectly possible. To this end, it is worth giving clear and reliable instructions. It can also be specified in a contract. It is you who indicates how to clear you. It is possible to invoice separately or to pass on the payments to individual companies – or, in an even more detailed way, to individual cost centres in your companies.

This is up to the customer. We have different models of cooperation. We operate flexibly. One can centralize the service into outsourcing from Warsaw, apply solutions featuring remote work, or the service may be activated for individual branches selectively.

Certainly! Your company only has to have a seat in Warsaw and you need to indicate “Post Office Warsaw 4” as the sending facility in the e-Nadawca (e-Sender) system. BackOffice Outsourcing will collect the correspondence from your office and bring it to the post office indicated above.

No problem! BackOffice Outsourcing helps processing complaints with a postal operator, performing all the necessary complaint activities on your behalf.

If you send correspondence in quantities that a postal operator, such as the Polish Post, would qualify as eligible for a “Poczta Firmowa” (“business shipment”) contract with the so-called “F” and “FM” designations, we will help you perform all the formalities leading to signing of the relevant contracts. Such contracts guarantee lower, individually negotiated rates with the postal operator.

Of course! We have a lot of experience in this area. All you need to do is contact one of our consultants or via the contact form. After arranging the details, we will send you an offer tailored to your needs and the needs of your tenants. Remember that you only pay for the services provided. Your tenants will be served in a professional manner using all the elements of keeping correspondence secret.

Of course! We have extensive experience in this area. All you need to do is contact one of our consultants or via the contact form. After arranging the details, we will send you an offer tailored to your needs. Remember that you only pay for the services provided.

No problem! Call us today at +48 222 66 88 22 to talk to one of our team members and obtain answers to your questions. Or you can send us a quick email to bok@boo.sos.pl and we will come back to you as soon as possible.